What I Learnt Working For A Cleaning Company

What I learnt working for a cleaning company…

What I learnt working for a cleaning company…
How to build a house / office that is cleanable!
Through hours and hours of scrubbing, I’ve found out:
– Which wall paints are the worst for holding stains
– Which floor coverings are dirt-mongers
– What treatment is best for internal and external glass
– How to deal with those “hard-water” marks
– Kitchen cupboards vs bugs… is there a way to win?
– Which light fittings to avoid
– Safe techniques to clean high things (ceiling fans, cornices, air conditioners etc.)
– Why you shouldn’t scrimp on buying the best seat for your throne!
I witnessed first hand the difference in maintainable hygiene standards that stem from the building foundation.
How clean do you want your space??
To find out how this applies to your site, book a consult with one of our experts.

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